
Hi! Welcome to crazy CHRIST craver.com. Click Here to jump to latest posts.

I’m crazy because I set aside the standards, the norms, and left the box in search for Truth. I crave for more because this Truth and the practice of it is the only thing that brings true fulfillment, unshakeable peace, and joy unending. I have found that without this Truth I have nothing. Therefore, I have entered the process of forsaking all other things that I might know and understand and walk in Him, that is, Truth.

This website is here to proclaim the reality of Yahushua ha Mashiac (Jesus Christ [HE IS THE ANOINTED DELIVERER]). Much of what you will find here will challenge your beliefs, and hopefully encourage you to press deeper into the Word. There is only one Way, one Truth, and one Life, and it is only through Him, the Word that became flesh, that you can ever come to know Yahuwah (God).

My primary focus is to share who Yahuwah has revealed Himself to be, both, in the past through the Word, and how He continues to reveal Himself today. Man was created with a purpose, and for the most part, that purpose has been all but lost. In these times, however, Yahuwah has been peeling back the layers of churchianity and selfishness to reveal both Himself as He is and what His purpose is for man on this earth.

CrazyCHRISTcraver.com is not about a church building, or another attempt to get you to pledge your allegiance to anyone or anything, but its sole focus is the Holy One of Israel, Yahuwah, who revealed Himself in this earth as Yahushua of Nazareth. I didn’t die for you, so please do not follow me, but look to the One who did, who loves you and gave Himself for you, Yahushua the Son of Elahim (God). I am certainly here to help you in any way possible and if you ever have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I want you to be everything you have been created to be and will do all that I can to point you in the right direction.

I’m sure that you have already noticed that I use some funky Names. You can click here for a simple explanation of the Names, and why I use them instead of the more common names and titles.

Again, I welcome you, and invite you to come check out what Yahuwah has been teaching through His Set-apart (Holy) Spirit. You will find words of encouragement and correction, in depth understanding through study and revelation of the Scriptures, and just plain crazy stuff.

May your hearts be transformed by the overwhelming love and mercy that is found only when you are truly broken, the place of recognizing that you are poor in spirit, which drives you to forsake all things for the only One who can fill your emptiness, give you purpose, make whole that which was broken, and cause you to become a crazy CHRIST craver.

Much love,

Joshua Ratliff (a crazy CHRIST craver)

Note: All of the writing and videos are based on what God is revealing today. Often times I have found that when I record something, as with most anything it grows and evolves over time. For this reason I will try to leave up older posts so that you can see how I came to be where I am. However, if I find that an older post becomes too outdated, I will take it down. If you feel that something is way off base, let me know and we can discuss why I have chosen to leave it on the page. Thanks!

42 Responses to “Welcome!”

  1. when are you coming to see me

  2. I’m hitting the road on August 1st! I’ll see you some time after that, probably quite a while later… lol! Much love my brother!

  3. Joshua, as you leave on your trip, i will daily pray Psalm 91 for you 🙂

  4. Thanks Tony, I sure do appreciate that. I’ll be sending prayers back your way as well. Many blessings my brother.

  5. As you left us this morning, I was quite emotional just watching you walk off down the highway. Then an overwelming sence of joy and peace came over me as I saw this man of God doing what God has asked him to do. I pray that I will be so bold when He calls me out!
    I love you

  6. Marco A. Ibarrra Says:

    Joshua, “Faith” is an acronym for “Forsake All I Trust Him!” You are truly living the faith life. Don’t let it only be a Journey with Him, but a Joyney(John 15:11), Amen!

  7. LOL!! Amen brother. Man, it was sure nice to meet you yesterday. I pray that Yahuah bless you and keep you and grant you new understanding and depth, that the fruit of the Life of the Anointed One (Christ) blossoms in you bringing in a full harvest of Love and peace and joy and faith and on and on. Be filled to the overflow with His Life. I love you my brother. Have an awesome day.

  8. Surely, goodness and mercy will be in hot pursuit of you this entire day as you go about sharing the good news of Christ’s love.
    I love the “motions” song and it reminds me of you this day.

    I don’t want to go through the motions
    I don’t want to go one more day
    without Your all consuming passion inside of me
    I don’t want to spend my whole life asking
    what if I had given everything instead of going through the motions?

    You’ve stepped out of this worlds “normal” and into a life of faith.
    I pray that more will step out with Yahuah’s all consuming passion that’s buning and desiring to make a differance in this world.
    I love you

  9. Hey Joshy,
    How ya doin?
    I am so proud of you for doing this!
    I wish i could have said good bye, though!
    I can’t wait to read on about your travels and
    and watch your videos!
    Good luck, bud!

    Love ya,

  10. Thanks, and sorry that I didn’t say good bye to you or to your family. I got pretty focused on being ready, and spaced. Be sure to tell everyone that I love them so much, and that I’m sorry that I didn’t get to say good bye to them either. I love you too, and look forward to talking to you more in the near future.

  11. Scott and Kristy Anderson Says:

    Hi Josh . . . we are so totally amazed as we watched your videos and read the information on this website . . . it’s awesome to see all that God is doing in and thru you! Bless your heart. I feel like I have known you all your life even though I haven’t seen you for sooo many years. I really only knew you when you were a little tyke. You were a baby in our home and you came over a LOT! You played with my two boys, Erik and Jimmy. Was so good to talk to you the day before you left – a divine appointment for sure – it gave me hope and hope does not disappoint. This is the first day we’ve checked out the blog and it is so exciting to see that you and your Dad have been working together on this. Praise God! We want you to know that we are soooooo amazingly blessed by the powerful spirit of God shining thru you and the message that He is delivering as a result of your willing heart. God Bless You – we’ll be praying for you and looking daily from now on. Scott says when you get here he’ll have a hard time not joining you 😎 Don’t even know you’re route but would definitely like to see you if it’s in God’s plan.

  12. Hey Scott and Kristy,
    I’m so glad that this site has been a blessing to you, and I hope that it will continue to be. Right now i’m in Bakersfield, and probably ready to head east (or at least that’s what I think today). I’m staying at a guy’s house that picked me up, a total blessing that only God could have ochestrated. I would love to come out and see you guys, but I don’t know when that will be. I too really enjoyed talking the other day, and look forward to talking to you more in the near future. Many blessings. Talk to you soon.

  13. Hey Cousin Josh! How are ya? I just heard about your walk-about, and had to come check out what you’re doing. It’s so cool to see somebody follow God’s plan and take such a big leap of faith. We will be praying for ya and watchin your videos and updates! Love ya, and hope to see you soon! -Em

  14. hey, josh,how you doing on the road. i still dont know you. but you seem to be quite the man.on the walk about.i know the lord will be taking care of you while you are doing this.o yea just once in a while just look up into the sky an say thank you.he will know what you mean.you be safe and get some good rest.maybe when you get back we just might meet some where in paradise ca.you take care and god bless.

  15. Hey Em, like I told your sister, sorry for not saying good bye. Tell your man that I so much wanted to hang out with him before I left, but never really had the opportunity to come down. I sure love you guys, and hope that all is awesome. I’m excited that you guys will be following, and appreciate all your prayers. Have a super amazing day. Talk to you soon.

  16. Hey Rick, thanks for the encouragement. I pray that you have a life changing encounter with Yahuah Almighty today, and that you would know Him as He is, and as He would reveal Himself to you. Halleluyah!!! Much love bro.

  17. this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!
    Yahual knows exactly where your video camera is and if you are supposed to have it, He’ll show you where it is.
    Walk in His blessings this entire day. He is sooooo good!
    I love you

  18. Hi Josh! We just heard last night that you left on your walk about. You are so faithful. It sure takes courage to step and and know what it is that God wants you to do. I admire you greatly. Steve and I will be praying for you as you listen and do as your Father asks you to do. He is especially fond of you!! We’ll be praying for a camera miracle for you!! We’ll check in with you soon.
    Steve and Karla

  19. Rock on! Hi Karla, tell Steve that I say hello. Thanks for your prayers, and I pray that you would hear clearly the direction that God has for your life as you begin to go deeper into an intimate relationship with our Lover. Oh, He is so good. We just have to let go, give it all to Him, and we find this place of fulfillment and peace, a place of joy and comfort. So amazing. Love you guys.

  20. hey josh, how you doing, i see you met up with some guys the other day an they fed you, among some other nice things.so where are you today?an did you see the meter showers i sure did.even got to see with a tail on it.sure is warm here in paradise ca.have you held your arms up an said thank you? may the force be with you on your journey.he who believes in will have great powers to move on journey.well you have a great day see you when you get back here in calif. god bless josh.

  21. hello josh, I see you have not been on here for a while. what has happened to you? I hope you have not run into trouble.I think you have found a dead spot where you can not get out with your pc.so you better start walking towards where you are going so we all can get a word from you.been watching your blog,but you have not been there.I pray that you are doing fine and you are getting closer to god every step you take.so hang in there. god bless josh.

  22. Hey rick,
    Yeah, I wasn’t on too much there for a couple of days. I got to spend some time with my cousin and her husband in AZ. I had a great time, but it is so great to be back on the road. Thanks for the encouragement and the prayer. Love you bro (I know that I’ve never met you, hopefully someday). Blessings

  23. Thank you for sharing your peace and joy with us the last few days. Carl and I enjoyed every minute with you and lil’ Yasha. We checked out your site. Your work and faith are amazing!! We pray that God will keep you safe on your journey. Love you…

  24. Praise God! Thank you for everything; I had a great time. It was awesome to spend time with you and to meet Carl. Love you guys lots. Blessings

  25. Sending you much love and prayer from MN as you make your Walk with and for Christ.–Rejoice in the Truth.– 1 Corithians 13:6.

  26. Praise God, thanks for the encouragement, and I greatly appreciate your prayers. Blessings.

    P.S. Sorry guys, I was in a hurry and didn’t realize who this was. I’m stoked to hear from you guys and hope that all is well. I haven’t seen or heard from y’all in forever. I hope that you are blessed by what God is doing here. I pray that you would continue to grow in your relationship with Him. Love you guys so much.

  27. hey josh, so how are things going? I have not said anything to you for a while. are you now back on the road? I saw your video on your singing. keep up the good work an word. I did not know that yoy were speaking in tongues your mother had to explain what you were doing.how is your dog doing? I haven’t heard you say anything about the dog. is your health doing good, and are you getting good rest?can you tell us what it is like where you? is it as nice has california or better?is jesus showing you the way he might have gone if he were here today an walking with you?remember he does not walk in front of you nor does he walk behind you, he has his hand on your shoulder walking beside you pointing the way with the other.remember to hold up your arms an say show me the way. you take care josh. god bless.

  28. I am the woman he is talking about. I am a Christian and am raising my children as Christian children. On the other hand, the person who wrote this is a self-proclaimed porn addict, admitted to being high while watching my child, and admits to having multiple affairs during our time together. He did not support his family when we were married and that continues today. He has not paid child support since January and is thousands upon thousands of dollars in the rears. This “christcraver” needs to crave for the TRUTH beause, as you can see, he is using this forum to use me as an excuse for his shortcomings.

    This is the one and only time I will ever post on this site, but I am sick and tired of being used as an excuse by this “honest” man. Further, I am sick and tired of watching him use his spirituality to defend and excuse his neglect for his children. Finally, it is disheartening and unimaginably disgusting to watch his friends and family condone his behavior.

    In closing, I would encourage everyone including “christcraver” to remember what Christ said in Luke 6:42, “How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

  29. Rachel,
    I love you.

  30. Rachel,
    I love you. I pray only for Yahua’s best for you. That you would know Him as he knows you. In this is life. Yehushua said, To know Yahuwah the only true God and Yehushua whom He sent is eternal life. My prayer for you is that you would hunger and thirst for righteousness because the promise is that if we do we will be satisfied, and that The anointed one would dwell in your heart through faith that you being rooted and grounded in love would comprehend what is the width and length and depth and height of the love of the Anointed one which passes understanding that you may be filled with all the fullness of Yahua. May his blessing be poured out on you.

  31. Hey Rick,
    It’s great to hear from you. I hope that all is well. I’m currently not on the road, but have been staying in Denison, TX visiting my kids. It has been so awesome to see them. Thanks for asking about my health, I’m doing great. Yasha (my dog) is doing really good as well. She has had so much fun playing with my kids. Thanks for the encouraging words brother; they are greatly appreciated. Much love my brother. I pray that you would continue to step out into the calling by which you have been called. There is no greater thing that walking with Him. Blessings.

  32. hey josh,good of you to spend time with your kids.good to see you with the new camera.now which way is he telling you to go.I could see the vechiles going by.you do look well rested an ready to travel.also good to hear that your dog is doing very well.you now i never did ask when do you plan to return to california?let jesus lead the way by your side.you will see that he knows the way to a lot of places that will show how it was when he walked on earth.he gracies when he is with you.he wants you to be happy an amazed on how the earth he walked then is pretty much the same then as now except all the changes in buildings an cars.then the air was much pure an clean, now polluted an dirty.but when you walk with him the air will seem to clean an pure.remember to hold your hands up and say thank you lord jesus.you take care talk to you soon josh . god bless you.


  34. Amen, Rick. God has been so good. This has been an interesting part of the journey. The lessons have come in a little sideways, not quite what one might expect, but if feels like they have opened my vision (like peripheral). My eyes are focused on Him, but I can see the attack coming from different angles (plus I got better armor… less holes). Halleluyah!!! Anyways, I’ve been hanging out here in the city where my kids are. I hope to be doing a post soon to let y’all know where I am and get you caught up. Much love my brother. Hope you have a blessed day.

  35. Just got done with bible study and heard the new from your folks that they’re hitting the road too! Wow I hear from your mom, you’re in search of your long lost walking stick. Good luck with that. If you happen to run into your mom and dad someday, tell them hi for us. Take care, Steve

  36. Jake from Waxahachie Says:

    Hey, man it was a blessing for me to pick you up this morning. I was on my way to my kids school when I passed you by and it hit me go back and give him a ride. I know it was not far to your destination but it was for a reason I was brought up in A christian home and trough my life have ventured away But as of late we have great friends in christ and we have been going to church off and on. Two hours before I seen you they were over telling me about church this Sunday, and then god spoke to me again through you and how have dropped it all for the lord AS IT IS SAID HUMBLE THY SELF IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD!!!!!!!!! THIS IS AWESOME! Y

  37. Wow!!! Praise God! I am filled with joy at your words. I pray that you would continue to seek after God during these upcoming weeks, and continue to grow in all things good. The distance might have been short, but know that God used you as a huge blessing yesterday, to confirm that He loves me. As you seek Him, you will find even more opportunities to be a blessing. Much love my brother.

  38. hello josh,

    well I know its been a long since I talked to you last but I have been busy.so tell me how are things going for you an your dog.are you on the move again where.or maybe you dont want to tell me.well anyway,has god shown you the way you are going?hows the weather where you are?you getting plenty of rest.has god spoken to you about what is in store for you?remember to walk beside him an let him show you the way. he has plans for you an the dog.so you take care an as always raise your arms up and say thank you for showing me the way. god bless you josh. see ya later.

  39. Virginia (and Ted) Says:

    Hey Josh

    Hows it going with the kids and Rachel? I hope well. We have been so blessed by your parents and your dad leading our little bible study for 2 years. I’ve seen the two of them grow so much, even to the point of taking on this journey the LORD is sending them on. We hope they make it to Texas to see your precious children, and have a chance to spend some time with them. There is nothing like grandchildren. They are the best God has to offer us in our older years. I sure love mine – each one. I’m studying Revelation in a bible study at church and it is amazing because its all about who Jesus is. Praise God! We had to figure out what to do with your folks leaving town and we are going to study a book by Max Lucado called “Fearless”. It looks reallly good and I’m looking forward to starting it next week. I am really going to miss your mom and dad. They were sent for all of our good, but especially to me to help me through this last year and a half dealing with cancer. I am healed now, and my life and death is in His hands. Love you Josh!

  40. Virginia (and Ted) Says:

    By the way, i’ve tried to bring up cravetheword.com, but with no luck. Is it up yet? Let me know

  41. Hey Bro,

    It has been some time since I took a look and I see you have been doing a lot of writing… I am still blown away at how things work out.
    Just so you know I have been thinking a lot about your trip and you have been on my heart. I hope all is well? Where are you at these days warm I hope and how is the dog.
    I know this, you are an inspiration to many people in the work you are doing and for that I praise God… be blessed this Christmas time and kep it up my friend.
    your brother Jordan

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